Let’s start by talking about the diaphragm, an unpaired muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities, expanding the lungs – responsible for respiratory, cardiovascular, and motor-digestive functions.
The diaphragm is very sensitive to stress. So when we are anxious, scared, and do nothing about it, it spasms and stops working effectively.
Of course, we do not stop breathing, but something in our body must perform the functions of the diaphragm. This “something” is the neck muscles and the top of the trapezium, and by working more than they need to, they build up stress.
If you are under a lot of stress, you will notice how the shoulders begin to move forward. This is because it becomes more challenging to breathe as if there is not enough oxygen all the time.
Here are some symptoms that indicate that you have a spasmed diaphragm:
- The neck and top of the trapezoid of the lower back are overstressed and hurt
- Shoulders roll inward
- The neck moves forward, then the oval of the face floats, the 2nd chin appears
- Intra-abdominal pressure rises, abdominal muscles, the pelvic floor cannot work normally
- Protruding belly
- The work of the digestive tract is disturbed – bloating, constipation
- Incontinence, leakage
- Constant swelling
It is essential to understand that weight workouts only will not help with this problem. Instead, I would encourage you to learn and practice breathing exercises, start working with the pelvic floor, chest, and hip mobility, relieve tension from the neck and trapezium.
The effect of all these exercises will be immediate. It will improve sleep, clarity in the head, ease of movement, and for most women, it will reduce pain during their cycles.
Don’t forget! Regular breathing exercises and anxiety reduction are necessary and will significantly impact your life.